Lovely Liv gifted us a sweet bloggy award not too long ago. What a doll!
Here is the text that goes with the award (a rough translation from Portuguese)
'To translate the gift from Portuguese to English, it means:"This blog invests and believes, the proximity" [meaning, that blogging makes us 'close' -being close through proxy]". They all are charmed with the blogs, where in the majority of its aims are to show the marvels and to do friendship; there are persons who are not interested when we give them a prize, and then they help to cut these bows; do we want that they are cut, or that they propagate? Then let's try to give more attention to them!
So with this prize I must deliver it to 8 bloggers that in turn must do the same thing and put this text in their blog.'

1) Post this wee pic on your blog.
2) Link to the person who awarded you.
3) Nominate seven other people and link to them.
4) Leave a message on those people's blogs to make them aware they are nominated.
I couldn't really think of seven (or eight!) blogs I wanted to share, or that haven't been shared by friends already so here are my six!
Studio Home Creative
Code for something
Scaredy Cat
Victoria n Bird
Vegan & Vintage
All amazing ladies, with an eye for style, design or art & doing wonderful different things. Love your work! X