We have a few new publications in the shop- both the calender & photo book from our most-favorite-ever magazine Frankie! & a new NZ mag called Extra Curricular, pop in to check them out!
Back again in the shop are our infamous pencils-
& lovely handmade accessories from Hokey. X
New in the shop- 2010 Calenders by My Folk Lover aka Catherine Campbell. These are great Xmas gifts, it can be really hard to find pretty calenders, but we all need them. Priced at $36 they are a lovely gift for Mum's/ girlfriends/ wives... trust us!
We're super excited that the Brunettes are playing this Friday with Sarah Blasko.If there were a facebook quiz called "What super cute NZ band is your shop?" We would definitely get the Brunettes. It's true! Other people think so too!To get us in the mood here are a couple of my favorite tracks & a beautiful number from Sarah Blasko. Squee!